Ensuring fair remuneration of staff at the level of institutional regulation and HR-management

Keywords: fair remuneration, personnel management, work motivation, HR-management


Ensuring fair remuneration for work is the most important component of the concept of decent work, aimed at justifying the priority areas of social policy to address problems in the social and labor sphere, ensuring effective employment and social cohesion. The implementation of the decent work concept should be ensured by the instruments of state social policy. This is reflected in the European Social Charter "The Right to Fair Remuneration", The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international norms relating to  human rights and social and labor sphere. Fair remuneration for work can be considered from two aspects: 1) as a certain level of remuneration of individual employees, which ensures the normal reproduction of labor and opportunities for human development of the employee's family, is adequate to his work effort and qualifications;  2) as an appropriate system of remuneration, which ensures compliance with the social and labor rights of employees, is fair and carried out using modern advances in the organization of wages in enterprises and institutions. It is substantiated that ensuring fair remuneration of staff requires consolidation of the institutional sphere of the state regulation mechanism (trade unions as legally established structures for protection of workers' rights; public authorities that motivate employers to take appropriate steps by creating business environment and regulating conceptual principles of personnel management) and HR  -management (employers as business entities).  The process of ensuring fair remuneration of staff for institutional, functional, resource support, management tools and current management actions is detailed.  The mechanism of the new system of motivation and remuneration of personnel is characterized, which includes: differentiation of personnel;  evaluation of employee positions;  choice of remuneration system and its forms, types;  choice of a system of additional benefits and intangible motivation;  formation of the structure of compensation packages.


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How to Cite
Shaulska , L., & Hrynkevych , R. (2019). Ensuring fair remuneration of staff at the level of institutional regulation and HR-management. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 123-128. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.2019.4.24