Keywords: informational externalities, economic crisis, informational influences, anti-crisis management, management strategies


The article is devoted to the mechanisms of forming an anti-crisis management strategy during information externalities. The consequences of external and internal informational influences lead to the destruction of the functioning system, which, requires the improvement of anti-crisis management mechanisms. Considering the fact that information externalities have an intellectual nature, the number of spheres in which information and social and economic crisis will be observed, caused by exceeding the necessary speed of decision-making over the maximum possible speed of human reaction, is increasing. Information externalities are implemented in the information field, which is a social or geographical space within which typical communication processes take place, and information exchange takes place through the mass media, the mass media are the main tool for forming human opinion. Since, in addition to external influences, any sharp disputes that arise within the organization are somehow related to its financial and economic activity, anti-crisis management is target to eliminate and prevent gaps in the resource distribution system and optimize economic activity. Depending on the interpretation of the anti-crisis management concept, the goal which is defined as a result of this type of management is determined. The anti-crisis management strategy can be implemented only by following some principles: early diagnosis; urgency of response; adequacy of response; full implementation of internal capabilities. It is worth noting that regardless of the type and methods of anti-crisis management, its implementation takes place within the framework of four blocks: 1) crisis diagnosis; 2) crisis management methodology; 3) crisis forecasting; 4) socio-economic aspects. A separate aspect of anti-crisis management is state management, which is implemented in the creation of such a system of interaction between the state and the market economy, which ensures the overcoming of macro- and microeconomic crises, which is implemented with the help of regulatory and legislative regulation, financial regulation, industrial policy and income redistribution.


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How to Cite
Mykhailova, Y. (2023). FORMATION OF THE ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT STRATEGY DURING INFORMATION EXTERNALITIES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (93), 8-11.