The value of land as an indicator of the level of sustainability of the agricultural land use system

Keywords: value, land resources, sustainability, sustainable land use, system of land use


The article deals with the features of sustainable functioning of the agricultural land use system. It is substantiated that the sustainability of land use characterizes satisfactory economic growth in a stable environmental situation, and value characterizes the maintenance of a satisfactory ecological state of resources while ensuring the required level of economic progress. "Sustainability" and "value" have been shown to be interrelated and complementary components of the agricultural land use system and can be studied in their separate trajectories according to environmental or economic direction. Based on the research, the author specified the understanding of the value, usefulness and value of agricultural land for individual public entities. It is proved that the value and value of land can vary significantly. It is substantiated that the normative monetary valuation to some extent characterizes the value of agricultural land, but the real market value of land is reflected in the results of expert monetary valuation. It is determined that the market value of land differs significantly by regions of Ukraine, and sometimes even within one region. The author emphasizes that it is the methodological approaches of expert monetary valuation involve the study of logistical, agri-environmental, socio-economic indicators of land market development, changes in which in modern conditions are the most dynamic. It is determined that due to the significant difference between normative and market indicators of land value there are differences of interests of the participants of land relations. In order to overcome the conflict of interests, a scientific and methodological approach to reconciling the interests of sellers and buyers of land is proposed. It is substantiated that in the presence of a conflict of interest, a zone of coordination of cost decisions should be identified, where the value values obtained as a result of agreements can be considered optimal. The use of this scenario involves reconciling the interests of the seller and the buyer through the convergence of the benefits received by the seller and the benefits acquired by the buyer.


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How to Cite
Makarova, V. (2021). The value of land as an indicator of the level of sustainability of the agricultural land use system. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (87), 15-22.