Demographic situation of Ukraine in the system of measuring human capital and health care

Keywords: demographic situation, human capital, health care, population


The purpose of the article is to analyze the demographic situation of Ukraine in the system of measuring human capital and health care. Human capital in scientific theories of socio-economic development is studied. The dynamics of the permanent population of Ukraine for 1991-2018 is analyzed. A regional breakdown of the current population has been made. The dynamics of the coordination load of women per 1000 men for the rural population is analyzed. It is established that the aging of the population of Ukraine can be considered as an indisputable fact and result of objective demographic processes due to long-term structural changes in the age structure of the population towards the predominance of the proportion of people over 60 years. The basis of the age structural pyramid of the population is characterized by the number of children or children. In recent decades, this age group of Ukraine's population has been declining, with the exception of the increase in the birth rate, which was observed in 2002 and intensified in 2005 due to the introduction of state childbirth allowance. But the trend of decreasing the burden of children (0-15 years) and increasing the burden of the elderly (60 years and older) on the population aged 16-59 years and 15-64 years indicates the future continuation of the aging population of Ukraine. Against the background of the obvious trend of decreasing the total population of Ukraine in the near future there will be a continuation of the aging process of the nation, because the current age structure in the future will be reflected in the growth of the proportion of elderly people. The aging of the nation leads to negative economic consequences not only due to the comparative decrease in the share of the working age population, but also due to the increase in pension expenditures. Therefore, significant efforts are needed to overcome the negative transformational processes of demographic structural changes.


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How to Cite
Irtyshcheva , I., Trushlyakova , A., & Ryabets , D. (2019). Demographic situation of Ukraine in the system of measuring human capital and health care. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (82), 136-143.