Nature and development features of retail trade chains in Ukraine
Lately the retail chains have been gaining utmost importance, because they provide consumers with an opportunity to quickly, conveniently and with minimum losses of time and efforts purchase the necessary goods and services close to job or residence places in a certain time and in a certain number in conditions of free choice and wide range. Due to constant improvement of forms and methods of trade, unification of goods, competition, change of features and factors of impact on retail trade and its classification, it is worth adjusting classification features, characteristics and requirements with the modern patterns of stores for more profitable activity. Therefore, the development of retail chains gains increasingly new and important meaning. The paper outlines the features of forming and development of retail trade chains. Classifications of retail trade companies are examined. Characteristics and requirements to the patterns of retail chains are suggested. Recommendations regarding the improvement of retail chains activity are given. The paper proves that despite unstable political and economic situation and high shadow business component in the country, the retail trade chain remains one of a few sectors that is developing and not only increasing the profits, but also is an essential support for the whole economy of the country. We deem that each company has to use as big complex of measures as possible to strengthen its positions, keep available and attract new clients, increase their income and improve the economy of the country, namely: merchandizing system – range optimization, efficient planning of shop spaces, means of communicative and visual merchandizing; improvement of activity methods – for clients, agents, employees; improvement of activities related to financial and moral motivation for employees; considering of requirements to the patterns of retail chain stores.
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