The article examines the theoretical aspects of administrative management of the quality of social services provision. The concept of "social sphere" is defined, which defines the system of life activities of society with the corresponding components. The author identified the term "social", "quality management of social services". The concepts of "social service", "state service", "administrative service" are defined and their common features are defined. Administrative management of the quality of the provision of social services is an important component of state administration, which is aimed at ensuring effective and high-quality satisfaction of the needs of the population in the social sphere. Theoretical aspects of this management include several key elements: the concept of administrative management is a process of planning, organization, control and motivation aimed at achieving high quality social services; functions of administrative management - include planning of service provision, organization of activities of institutions, quality control and adjustment of actions to improve efficiency; regulatory and legal support: legislative regulation, which includes laws and by-laws regulating the procedure for providing social services, quality requirements, rights of service recipients and obligations of providers; quality standards, which include the development and implementation of quality standards for various types of social services, are the basis for evaluating their effectiveness and compliance. The challenges and problems of quality management include: bureaucratization of processes - excessive regulation can reduce flexibility and the ability to adapt to changes in customer needs; resource constraints - insufficient funding and limited human resources can affect the quality of social services. The prospects for the development of the quality management system include: innovations and technologies - the introduction of information technologies to automate processes and improve management efficiency; integration of the principles of sustainable development - taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects in the process of providing social services. Administrative management of the quality of the provision of social services is a complex and multifaceted process that requires constant improvement and adaptation to new challenges and needs of society.
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