The article discusses the economic mechanism of social guarantees in the system of corporate responsibility of construction companies. In today's market economy and growing globalization of business, the importance of social responsibility of enterprises, in particular the construction industry, which is an important component of the country's economic and social infrastructure, is growing. The article analyzes the main aspects of the formation and functioning of an economic mechanism aimed at ensuring social guarantees for employees and society as a whole. The author identifies the main components of the economic mechanism, which include financial, legal and organizational instruments for ensuring social rights of employees and implementation of socially responsible initiatives by enterprises. In particular, the author examines how construction companies can influence the improvement of the socio-economic situation of their employees through effective corporate responsibility mechanisms, including ensuring proper working conditions, social benefits, occupational safety and health. The study also draws attention to the integration of social standards into the business models of enterprises, which allows achieving sustainable development of both enterprises and society as a whole. The role of construction enterprises in ensuring decent working conditions, maintaining social stability and human capital development is investigated. The author proposes a model of the economic mechanism of social guarantees, which includes financial and non-financial instruments to ensure responsibility to employees. In addition, the legal aspects of corporate responsibility, the impact of state regulation on social guarantees and the role of social dialogue between enterprises and state institutions are studied. The relationship between corporate responsibility and the economic sustainability of enterprises in the construction industry is analyzed, as well as the impact of social guarantees on increasing labor productivity and improving the company's reputation. It is determined that the introduction of effective mechanisms of social guarantees not only improves the reputation of enterprises, but also contributes to their competitiveness in the market. The article provides recommendations for improving the economic mechanism of social guarantees to increase the social protection of employees and sustainable development of construction enterprises.
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