Features of functioning of the ammonia pipeline in structure of pipeline transport of the Nikolaev region
In the article the features of functioning of ammonia pipeline in the structure of pipeline transport of the Nikolaev area are investigated. The analysis of ecological safety and reliability of operation of the linear part of the main ammonia pipeline of the enterprise "Ukrhimtransamiak". It is determined that for ensuring safe modes of operation of the main ammonia pipeline, an automated control system for the technological process of transportation of liquid ammonia based on electronic control and microprocessor equipment is provided.
The author noted that modernization is a costly matter that requires billions of hryvnia, but after achieving the primary goals of modernization of the production component of the industry, we can talk about the profits that can be obtained in the future. The author affirms the idea that in 2020 the Nikolaev area sets itself extremely important task – to turn Mykolaiv region on the region of steady economic growth on the basis of the innovative industry, the developed transport and logistic complex, the important food center of the country with ecological, highly effective agriculture, comfortable and safe edge where there are all conditions for all-round development of the person. This will be facilitated primarily by the development of the ammonia pipeline.
The article noted that the introduction of innovative technologies, introduction of energy saving systems, solar and wind generators at the company as one of the components reducing the cost of pumping, will contribute to the development of the ammonia. The surplus electricity produced is an additional source of revenue from green tariff sales. It is allocated that in the territory of the Nikolaev area a number of projects on construction of solar power plants is realized. The introduction of solar and wind generators will lead to additional jobs.
It is concluded that the introduction of innovative actions, innovations in the implementation of energy saving systems, the use of solar and wind generators in pipelines, especially with maintenance of the ammonia pipeline, as one of the components of reducing the cost of pumping, will promote the transport industry in general and Mykolaiv region in particular. It will help to develop the Nikolaev area as the center of steady economic development, and growth of release of cheaper ammonia will promote intensive development of agricultural sector.
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