Economic diagnostics of the state and prospects of enterprises of the transport industry of the region

  • S.O. Mashkantseva Odesa National Maritime Academy (Odesa, Ukraine)
Keywords: cargo turnover, diagnostics, railway transport, road transport, transport branch, region, sea and river transport


The article considers the state of activity of transport enterprises of the region by analyzing the indicators of cargo volume, cargo turnover, average distance of transportation, length of railways and public roads by regions. Measures to ensure the further development of transport enterprises at the regional level are proposed. It is substantiated that the current state of functioning of enterprises in the transport industry is characterized as a crisis, which significantly raises the issue of economic diagnostics of enterprises in the regions of Ukraine. This necessitates a meaningful analysis of the state of development of transport enterprises, identification of risk areas and the development of a set of anti-crisis measures.

Studies have shown that the transport sector occupies a special place in the development of all sectors of the economy, while ensuring the promotion of material flows in macro-logistics chains. The main task of the transport industry of the region is timely, high-quality and full satisfaction of the needs of consumers (industries and population) in transportation, increasing the competitiveness of transport services. Over the past ten years, the state of the transport industry of Ukraine as a whole and its regions is characterized as unstable.

The study found that Ukraine should reform the river industry in order to transfer part of the flow of goods from roads and railways to rivers, as well as the development of river logistics and infrastructure. The country's authorities and leading companies of various forms of ownership, which are directly related to river transport, pay considerable attention to this issue, because the containerization of goods is, firstly, an unoccupied niche, and secondly, it is a global trend that has a steady trend to growth, and today is the most convenient and economical way of transportation due to its versatility, multimodality and reliability.

In the conditions of unstable political and economic situation in Ukraine transport services lose a certain share in the market of services. The activity of enterprises of the transport sector of the region should be aimed at intensifying the implementation of innovation and investment model of development, which is based on innovative updating of the material and technical base of the industry, the use of innovative technologies and methods in the management process. In order to create a competitive transport industry in the region, it is necessary to ensure the provision of quality transport services; formation of transport infrastructure and vehicles; creating conditions for exceeding the level of supply of transport services over demand.


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How to Cite
Mashkantseva , S. (2019). Economic diagnostics of the state and prospects of enterprises of the transport industry of the region. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (3(81), 123-127.