"Recovery points" of sustainable development of agricultural production in conditions of increasing openness of the national economy

Keywords: sustainable development, recovery points, agricultural production, rural development, investment strategy, openness of the national economy


 The article explores aspects of the existence of a "point of recovery" of sustainable development of agricultural production and reveals the features of its definition. The main manifestations of violations of the conditions of sustainable development of agrarian production of Ukraine in the conditions of increasing openness of the national economy, their consequences and the "points of recovery" are investigated. The proposed approach revealed the “recovery point” that could be the beginning of the launch of the state program for sustainable development of agrarian production of Ukraine.

The main manifestations of violations of the conditions of sustainable development of agrarian production of Ukraine under conditions of increasing openness of the national economy, their consequences and the "point of recovery" are substantiated. The proposed approach revealed the “recovery point” that could be the beginning of the launch of the state program for sustainable development of agrarian production of Ukraine in the conditions of increasing openness of the national economy - the “recovery of cattle”. It satisfies three critical conditions: 1) the rebuilding of the cattle population will equally positively affect all dimensions of sustainable agricultural development; 2) consensus has emerged at all levels in Ukrainian society that the situation with counterfeit and substandard dairy products needs immediate resolution. First of all, by increasing the production of quality dairy raw materials; 3) bringing Ukrainian legislation governing the safety and quality of dairy products to WTO and EU requirements.

In the course of the research the expenses were obtained, which will allow to achieve harmonization of three components of sustainable development of agrarian production in conditions of increasing openness of the national economy:

- economic. Due to the diversification of the risks of agricultural production through the development of industries focused on ensuring the internal market. And also to provide resource conditions for reproduction of soil fertility and obtaining stable yields - due to a significant increase in production and use of organic fertilizers;

- social. Due to increased employment in rural areas and food security;

- environmental. Due to the increase in the use of soil protection technologies due to the growing area of crops of forage crops, pastures and hayfields. Preservation and restoration of soil fertility due to increased use of organic fertilizers.


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How to Cite
Lagodiienko , N. (2019). "Recovery points" of sustainable development of agricultural production in conditions of increasing openness of the national economy. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (3(81), 112-116. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.2019.3.20