The innovative orientation of investment activities of agricultural business entities
Increasing the competitiveness level is possible with active innovation activity, which should be the main focus of investment. The purpose of the research is to further develop the ways of innovative orientation of investment activity of agricultural business entities. The role of agriculture in the agro-industrial complex is considered. Consumption of main food products in Ukraine is analyzed. Possible ways to increase the capacity of the domestic food market have been identified. Imports of food by main groups are considered. The content of investment activity in accordance with regulatory documents is presented. The influence of environmental factors in the context of creating an investment climate is considered. Specific features of riskiness of agrarian sector lending are determined. The content of investment from the economic point of view is considered. The classification of investment forms is provided. The functioning advantages of large integration agro-formations are presented in the course of investment activity. The importance of addressing the issue of land ownership has been determined in the context of its consideration as a potential resource for securing loans. The inability of small producers to realize innovative investment projects has been determined due to the lack of financial resources accumulation for development, because the main source of investment in agricultural enterprises remains the own funds. The state of the financial market in Ukraine is defined as unsatisfactory, which does not allow to use financial instruments (derivatives) efficient. One of the problems is the underdevelopment of commodity exchanges, which makes it impossible to effectively sell agricultural products.
The main determinants of agricultural investment activity are presented, which include specific factors influencing the investment climate, objects, goals, measures or features, priority areas, including improving productivity, soil fertility, the biological potential of plants and animals, the financing of social sphere and infrastructure, creating business associations, growing niche crops, developing organic plant growing, implementing energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies. The state support directions of innovative development of investment activity for agricultural enterprises are considered that take forms: preferential crediting, exemption from taxation the profit part, which goes on development, organizational measures of ensuring interaction of agrarians, scientists and educators for the investment activity activation.
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