The role and place of organizational and legal security in the enterprise economic security structure
The article is devoted to determining the role and place of organizational and legal security in the structure of an enterprise economic security. The peculiarities of the enterprise functioning in the external environment under the influence of numerous threats and dangers are investigated. The key features of the security concept are summarized: it acts as a separate state for entities characterized by many parameters; security is closely linked to concepts such as «threat» and «danger»; the enterprise operates under conditions of constant presence of threats; the subject area of security research is the variety of interests, values and needs peculiar to the individual subject. Based on security studies, it has been established that the most promising triad is: «danger – threat – security», and security must necessarily relate to any object whose function or properties are exposed to the danger. It is proposed to expand the set of «state – region – enterprise» by adding the concept of a person, which determines the meaning of the concept «economic security of the enterprise». Based on the analysis of a number of concepts of «risk», «threat», «danger», «security», «challenge» it is established that the fundamental difference between «risk» and «threat» is exclusively negative nature of the threat, instead «risk» can be considered with a positive point of view as an opportunity; the state of danger is derived from the threat being investigated by the subject, and the state of security is considered desirable, to which management actions should be directed; consideration of the definition of «challenge» is impractical, because of its identity to the concept of «threat». The content of approaches in economic security is considered: resource (resource-functional), harmonization, utilitarian or protective, sustainable. The author's understanding of the enterprise economic security is provided. The subject area of the study of organizational and legal security and its separation from the economic is outlined, which is the determination of the spheres within which the processes that characterize the phenomenon under study are outlined; in the description and classification of threats that disrupt the processes in these areas; identification of the consequences that can cause certain threats to the processes in the course of the enterprise activity.
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