Formation and development of logistics infrastructure of Ukraine in the context of European integration

Keywords: logistics, logistics efficiency, transport and logistics infrastructure, quality of logistics infrastructure, management of transport and logistics infrastructure development


Introduction. The transport system of Ukraine has a low level of development of logistics infrastructure and transport and logistics technologies in general, which reduces its competitiveness and limits the integration capabilities of our country in the world economic space. Ukraine needs urgent measures to improve the transport and logistics infrastructure, as it is outdated, inefficient; it requires renewal, modernization, significant investment and improvement of its management system. There is a need to adapt the concept of improving the logistics infrastructure to the needs of the Ukrainian market of transport and logistics services.

The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the place of Ukraine in the world rankings of logistics development and logistics infrastructure, as well as to analyze the reasons for the current results of our country in these rankings.

Results. It is established that the transport and logistics infrastructure is an important factor in the economic growth of any state. The concept of transport and logistics infrastructure and its components is specified. An assessment of the general state of logistics infrastructure development in Ukraine, as well as an assessment of the level of logistics potential use based on ratings of global competitiveness and logistics efficiency have been given. The place of Ukraine in the global rating of competitiveness in terms of the transport infrastructure quality, as well as the dynamics of logistics efficiency indicators of Ukraine are analyzed, international comparisons are made. The correlation of positions in international rankings of global competitiveness and logistics efficiency with the state and quality of logistics infrastructure in the country is proved.

Conclusions. Due to the analysis, the factors influencing the functioning and development of the transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine were identified. The need to improve the transport and logistics infrastructure management system has been proved. In order to ensure the synergetic effect of the effective combination of potential and capabilities of all modes of transport management of transport and logistics infrastructure should be strategically oriented and based on assessing the potential of logistics infrastructure, identifying links and dependence of its development on organizational, economic, technical and technological and other opportunities.


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How to Cite
Bortnik , S. (2019). Formation and development of logistics infrastructure of Ukraine in the context of European integration. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (3(81), 45-50.