Model of influence of functioning and development of a higher educational institution on the formation of knowledge economy

Keywords: higher education institution, economics of knowledge, education, knowledge, development


In the field of education, the actual task is to seek managerial solutions to solve problems faced by higher education institutions in the process of their functioning and development. This is due to the integration of market relations into the system of higher education, which extends the boundaries of autonomy and autonomy of higher education institutions.

The research developed a model of the impact of the functioning and development of a higher educational institution on the formation of a knowledge economy. The model is based on the application of the process approach as an instrument for the development of a higher education institution. The state policy in the field of higher education has been characterized, quantitative indicators of evaluation of activity of higher educational institutions are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Boyko , A. (2019). Model of influence of functioning and development of a higher educational institution on the formation of knowledge economy. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2(80), 72-74.