Communication between sustainable development and a balanced enterprise resource policy

Keywords: enterprise, economic stability, sustainable development, resource potential of enterprise, balanced resource development, economic growth, optimization of enterprise functioning


The article analyzes the nature of the impact of economic, social, technological, financial components on economic growth in the conditions of difficult economic situation on the basis of balanced resource policy of the enterprise. The difficult economic situation is forcing the agricultural sector to look for and use new growth factors that determine the development of modern management mechanisms that are aimed at intensifying the reproduction process and improving production efficiency.

Therefore, the most important issue of economic science today is the economic stability of the functioning of enterprises, which is determined by a number of factors, namely: socio-economic conditions of the economy, the level of technology and production technology, the availability of scientific and technical and resource potential, qualified staff. It is the social, technological, financial components of the resource potential that help to generate economic rent and guarantee sustainable competitive advantages, while specific and unique resource components ensure the neutralization of threats from the external economic environment and contribute to the formation of a value system for consumers.

The realization of any task of optimizing the functioning of an agricultural enterprise as the basis of the solution uses the available amounts of resources that can be directed to the achievement of the set goals. A clear description of the resource potential is further formalized into a single system of resource constraints. The limiting factors can be divided into two groups: production and technological; socio-economic.

Production and technological constraints represent the downside of the factors of technological interchangeability of resources, because in each production cycle different ways of using resources and their different amount is used in the production of the final product.

Socio-economic constraints reflect the internal and external capabilities of an agricultural enterprise's economic mechanism that are associated with the formation and use of resources.

Providing conditions for the transition of the Ukrainian industry to the model of sustainable development will increase its competitiveness, strengthen its position in the global markets, which will create a basis for increasing the economic strength of the country, solving environmental and social problems. Unfortunately, to date, the role of national industry in globalization processes is still minimal: there are practically no domestic multinationals operating in global markets, too few Ukrainian subsidiaries in Ukraine, low international cooperative links


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How to Cite
Piliavsky , V. (2019). Communication between sustainable development and a balanced enterprise resource policy. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2(80), 52-56.