Directions of increasing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises

Keywords: production costs, investments, investment attractiveness, logistics, natural-agricultural zoning, agricultural enterprises


It is considered in the article that in the conditions of the unfavourable investment climate in the country some agricultural enterprises can increase their investment attractiveness. It has been investigated that the main directions of increasing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises are taking into account logistic, territorial features and natural - agricultural zoning.

Taking into account the territorial features, natural and climatic conditions, availability of sales and processing centres and the functioning of logistics systems open opportunities for diversification of investment resources and, in turn, an increase of investment attractiveness, efficiency of investments made and minimization of risks.

What is more investment attractive: milk production, sugar beet, sunflower or cereal production? The question arises as in which area the products will be produced, in which natural-climatic zone, remoteness or proximity of the enterprise to the city where processing enterprises are concentrated.Due to the large volume of logistics costs and the fact that perishable products cannot be brought to the processing plants in a fresh state, the investment attractiveness of certain types of products becomes zero. Then the question should be set, not about the investment attractiveness of different products, but the investment attractiveness of different products for the enterprises of different regions, regions or climatic zones.

Quality agro-logistics is a source for generating additional resources for investment. It is established that the distance from the regional centre, as the largest market for agricultural products, as well as the distance from large processing centres, influences the formation of investment attractiveness of certain types of agricultural products. A close correlation was found between agricultural zoning and production costs per 1 ha of farmland as an indicator of the investment attractiveness of certain types of agricultural products.


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How to Cite
Vashechko , Y. (2019). Directions of increasing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2(80), 32-36.