The model of evaluation of the marketing strategy at the different stages of life cycle of enterprise

Keywords: model of evaluation of the effectiveness, indicators of efficiency evaluation, marketing strategy, marketing strategy efficiency, strategy options, life cycle of enterprise


Evaluation of marketing strategy of the enterprise at the each stage of its life cycle will give you an opportunity not only to detect the problems you have faced during its realization but foresee the change of situation on the market and rapidly respond to. Adjustments may be substantial and involve a large number of changes in the strategy or irrelevant and concern adjustment of individual elements of the strategy.

At many stages of the lifecycle, many businesses have problems related to assessing the effectiveness of marketing strategies: the rapid change of the factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise and the complexity of their influence, the dependence of the importance of indicators of evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing strategy from the stage of the life cycle, the lack of normative values of indicators, a significant number of qualitative indicators and the problem of their measurement, the significant impact of the human factor, the need to justify the decision to make changes in the marketing strategy and the implementation of appropriate corrective actions, etc.

Most of these problems can be solved by developing a model for assessing the marketing strategy of an enterprise that would allow an objective assessment of the effectiveness of such a strategy at various stages of the life cycle of this enterprise.

Application of such an enterprise model will help to optimize and justify the choice of the most successful options for marketing strategies at different stages of the life cycle.


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How to Cite
Koval, Z. (2019). The model of evaluation of the marketing strategy at the different stages of life cycle of enterprise. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1(79), 48-53.