Implementation of the project approach tools in the public governance system
At the present stage of development of Ukraine has chosen the strategy of transition to the public type of public administration. One of the major directions of implementation of this strategy is the modernisation of the public administration system through the implementation of state programs (projects).
The problems of transition to project - oriented management for the intended results of national projects and state programs in a very diverse and ambiguous. Despite fundamental differences in the basis of activities between business and state authorities, project management as a form of work organization can be applied in the work of the authorities. The absence under the state and local target programs and subprograms of the element of the project with a specific end product, a clear timeline and provided the financing, blurs the essence of these programs, often reducing them to implement the so-called "measures", the feasibility of which is not obvious. Urgent issue of the implementation of project management in local government, where the real result of the work is evaluated not only by the highest authorities and regulatory agencies, but also directly to the inhabitants of the territories.
Although the possibility of influence of society on the implementation of state policy in conditions of decentralization has expanded, however there remain a number of problematic issues associated with the management process. Permanent transformation of the Ukrainian society, the limited resources and time, alternativeness of a choice, the expansion of the vectors of international cooperation and the like are tightening requirements for managers in taking effective management decisions. one aspect of achieving the dynamics of the performance of local authorities in the context of changing approaches to public management is achieving the effectiveness of management decisions and identify areas for assessment of their implementation in certain key points. Also important is the justification of strategy of development of society which will be based on perspective directions of development of concrete goals and projects that will ensure their achievement.
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