Keywords: enterprise potential, enterprise structural potential, enterprise functional potential, enterprise integral potential, enterprise potential assessment indicators


The article reveals the essence and content of the theoretical and methodological approach to assessing the potential of enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy in the conditions of a circular economy. The author has developed a model for assessing the general potential of the enterprise. Its structural components are determined according to the principle of hierarchy. The lower level consists of the structural potentials of the enterprise: production potential; financial potential; technical and technological potential; labor potential; organizational potential; sales potential; innovation potential. Separate structural potentials form medium-level potentials – the main potential, the service potential and the market potential, which, respectively, form the integral (general) potential of the enterprise. As a component of the model for assessing the potential of the enterprise, the author proposed a system of indicators that characterize the state of the structural elements of the potential. An analysis of their dynamics in 2019-2023 was carried out, according to the results of which a comparative characteristic of the potentials of the studied enterprises for the specified period was provided. The analysis showed that the vast majority of indicators characterizing the potential of the studied enterprises of the agricultural sector of the economy in the specified period were at a sufficiently high level. To a lesser extent, this applies to the company "Nibulon", which suffered most from the consequences of the aggression of the Russian Federation. The existing negative aspects in the activities of other enterprises were also studied, the elimination of which will contribute to the further development of their potential. It was concluded that market potential plays a decisive role in the functioning and development of the integral potential of the enterprise, since it ultimately ensures the effectiveness of its implementation. The author proposed a mathematical apparatus for determining integral indicators of the structural, functional and general potential of an enterprise, which provides the opportunity to provide quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the potential of enterprises in the agro-industrial sector of the economy, necessary for assessing their further development.


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How to Cite
OnopriіenkoD. (2024). THEORETICAL-METHODICAL APPROACH TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL OF THE ENTERPRISE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (100), 31-39.