Keywords: trade enterprise, transfer potential, strategic planning, decision-making process, modeling the development of transfer potential


Modeling the development of the transfer potential of a trade enterprise is critically important for effective management and strategic planning. In the context of globalization and intense competition, trade enterprises face the necessity to rapidly adapt to changing market conditions and optimize their resources to achieve competitive advantages. The transfer potential of an enterprise reflects its ability to effectively move resources, knowledge, and technologies from one part of the organization to another, as well as to utilize external opportunities to improve its operations. The article argues that modeling the development of the transfer potential of a trade enterprise is essential for effective management and strategic planning. It is proven that the application of Saaty’s methodology (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) in conjunction with fuzzy logic (Fuzzy AHP) allows for the creation of an accurate and realistic model that reflects the complexity and uncertainty of real conditions. This approach provides a multidimensional analysis of the enterprise's activities, taking into account uncertainty and variability, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of management decisions. The Fuzzy AHP methodology reduces the subjectivity of expert evaluations, ensuring more objective modeling, which is particularly important in an unstable market. The use of an integrated methodology enables enterprise management to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state, identify priorities, allocate resources effectively, and adapt to changes in the external environment. It is demonstrated that this contributes to increased transparency in the decision-making process, better coordination among departments, and stakeholder engagement, which, in turn, helps avoid conflicts and ensures synergy. Thus, it is established that modeling the development of transfer potential is an integral part of strategic management in a trade enterprise, ensuring sustainable development, competitiveness, and effectiveness in a dynamic market environment. The integration of fuzzy logic into Saaty’s methodology provides the enterprise with the necessary tools to assess and optimize internal processes, implement innovative strategies, and achieve long-term success.


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How to Cite
Vykrykach, M. (2024). MODELING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSFER POTENTIAL OF A TRADE ENTERPRISE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (100), 25-30.