The article demonstrates that assessing risk management in enterprises within the values of the circular economy is critically important for ensuring their sustainable development and effective operation. It is substantiated that, in the context of the circular economy, enterprises face new types of risks that require adequate assessment and management to minimize potential losses. It is argued that effective risk management allows enterprises to identify potential threats, assess their likelihood and impact, and develop strategies for their mitigation, providing a proactive approach to risk management. The integration of scenario analysis, adaptive management, and multifactor models into the risk assessment process enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of this process. This enables enterprises to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and the environment, which is a key competitive advantage. Continuous risk monitoring and adaptive correction of risk management strategies ensure the ability to respond promptly to new challenges and changes in the external environment. It is argued that implementing a risk management assessment system contributes to compliance with regulatory requirements and standards, which increases trust from investors, partners, and clients. This also helps optimize costs and improve resource efficiency, positively affecting the overall productivity of the enterprise. It is proven that developing a risk management culture within the organization creates favorable conditions for innovation and continuous improvement of processes, enhancing the overall resilience of the enterprise to external and internal challenges. It is substantiated that risk management assessment within the values of the circular economy is essential for ensuring the sustainable development of the enterprise, increasing its competitiveness and efficiency, complying with regulatory requirements, optimizing costs, enhancing productivity, and fostering a risk management culture within the organization. This allows enterprises to use resources effectively, minimize negative environmental impacts, and ensure long-term success in the modern dynamic business environment.
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