The article describes the place and role of organizational structures, management control functions and leadership styles in the innovation projects development and implementation. An analysis of previous research related to theories of organization, leadership and control is conducted. The article discusses the main concepts of closed and open innovations. Closed innovations involve the creation of ideas within the company itself with a focus on protecting intellectual property. At the same time, the concept of open innovations emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge with external partners for the innovation processes implementation and increasing competitiveness. Considerable attention is paid to the role of the leader in managerial innovations. Leaders who are focused on open innovations create a culture of cooperation, promote change and support employee training. The main characteristics of leaders who successfully implement innovation strategies are highlighted: the formation of an innovation culture, support for change, training and development of employees, as well as the activation of communications both within the organization and with external partners. It is noted that innovative projects require organizations to have a high level of flexibility and adaptability. Achieving a balance between formal structures that ensure stability and informal ones that promote creativity is a key task for modern management. The article emphasizes the control mechanism importance for regulating the process of implementing an innovative project, which functions as a set of tools for managing the dynamics of the organizational structure in the process of implementing innovative projects. Particular attention is paid to the formal and informal control mechanisms. Formal control (behavioral and performance) is focused on the regulation and standardization of processes, while informal control (group and self-control) is based on a culture of trust and motivation. It is determined that transformational leadership is the most optimal style for controlling and successfully implementing an innovative project. Transformational leaders create a favorable environment for innovation, where employees are ready for experiments and non-standard solutions, which contributes to the success of innovative projects and contributes to the competitiveness of the organization in the market.
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