Keywords: strategic management, economic stability, enterprise, crisis conditions


A defining characteristic of the current conditions faced by domestic enterprises is the uncertainty of both the external and internal environments in which they operate. Russia's military aggression against our country has exacerbated the challenges facing domestic retail and has triggered a deep crisis in the Ukrainian economy. Under these circumstances, enterprises are forced to seek new ways to improve their production and technical potential, forms and methods of optimising their product assortment, and find methods to stimulate effective workforce performance, in order to gain certain competitive advantages, meet consumer demands as fully as possible, and ultimately create effective prerequisites for their sustainable operation, both in the present and in the long term. Based on the analysis of theoretical principles and practical experience, strategic management of an enterprise's economic stability in crisis conditions involves setting global objectives, quickly adapting to changes, and forming reserves for unforeseen situations. The current conditions in Ukraine demonstrate that even successfully operating enterprises are not immune to external negative factors. Therefore, specific features of strategic management of economic stability in crisis conditions must be developed. These include timely market situation monitoring, financial performance control, creating financial reserves for unforeseen circumstances, and investing in the enterprise's activities as the primary method of ensuring its stable financial condition during external crises.


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How to Cite
KudrinaО., & Ovcharenko, D. (2024). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC STABILITY OF ENTERPRISES IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (97), 60-63.