This scientific article addresses the importance of developing critical thinking skills in future digital management professionals within the context of the modern business environment. Digital management has become not only a strategically important field in contemporary organizations but also a critical component of their success. High competition, rapid technological changes, and ever-increasing customer expectations make it impossible to manage without the ability to analyze information, make strategic decisions, and effectively utilize available resources. Digital management provides tools for effective data processing and innovation implementation, but successful management requires not only technical knowledge but also critical thinking. Critical thinking is a key competency for professionals in the field of digital management as it allows for the analysis of complex problems, making informed decisions, and stimulating continuous improvement. Research shows that professionals with a high level of critical thinking development are able to effectively solve tasks, adapt to changes in the business environment, and rationalize the use of digital technologies. Organizations that have such professionals are more likely to make balanced decisions, which contributes to the development not only of the company itself but also of society as a whole. The proposed practical recommendations for improving the education process of future digital management professionals include the integration of disciplines focused on developing critical thinking into educational programs, the use of interactive teaching methods, and the creation of a conducive environment for the development of these skills. The implementation of new pedagogical technologies and methodologies aimed at developing critical thinking will enable the preparation of professionals who can effectively solve complex tasks, adapt to changing conditions, and make informed decisions in uncertain environments. The results of the research will help improve the process of preparing digital management professionals and promote the development of critical thinking skills necessary for successful work in the modern dynamic world.
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