It is extremely important to find ways and methods to achieve sustainable development of the economy in general and the agricultural sector in particular, given the underutilization of natural resources, environmental crises, population growth, and limitations of traditional food systems. In this context, the search for alternative methods of farming and changes in typical food consumption are relevant, and the organic market is of particular interest. The practice of organic farming is becoming more widespread, but there is a need to improve existing methods of production organization, efficient use of resources and the agri-trading system, and to promote exports and regional development. Effective agricultural trading opens up new opportunities for exports and cooperation for domestic producers in global markets. With this in mind, this article is devoted to understanding the opportunities for developing the production, agrotrade and export of Ukrainian organic products to the global market. In order to achieve this goal, it became necessary to study the specifics of the dynamic growth of the global organic food market, including the identification of the dominant factors of its development, the specifics of its regulation, and the assessment of the current state, main trends and prospects. The study provides a description of the main competitors in the global market, consumer segmentation, and experience in implementing global and national programs for the development and support of the organic sector. The study found that Ukraine has an unrealized export potential that can be realized through a combination of global practices: active use of marketing tools, government support for the organic sector, and increasing organic production through the organization of producers into clusters. It is necessary to increase the efficiency of agrotrading, which is an integral part of the activities of agricultural enterprises and can improve the overall performance of agricultural enterprises by optimizing the cost side of growing and/or producing agricultural products, their processing and sale.
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