Keywords: region, intellectual capital, innovative development, business entities, management, Ukraine


The article focuses on identifying factors for the development and preservation of a region's intellectual capital in order to create an effective foundation for the intensive innovative development of business entities in Ukraine during the post-war period. The authors emphasize that intellectual capital plays a crucial role in stimulating the innovative development of business entities, providing competitive advantages and sustainable economic growth for the region. However, the full-scale war in Ukraine poses numerous threats to intellectual capital: the human factor and critical demographic situation, migration of qualified personnel, destruction of educational and scientific infrastructure, and psychological trauma among the population. These factors lead to the loss of knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for generating innovations. To preserve the region's intellectual capital, regional authorities must implement a comprehensive set of measures: repairing educational institutions, providing accessible psychological assistance, conducting educational campaigns, collaborating with businesses and scientific institutions, and providing state support for innovation. The study systematizes the main risk factors for the reduction of intellectual capital in Ukraine's regions due to the war and the socio-economic crisis. These include human losses, emigration of qualified specialists, displacement of the population, destruction of educational and research infrastructure, and psychological impact on individuals. The authors argue that maintaining and developing intellectual capital is crucial for creating favorable conditions for innovative ecosystems, stimulating new technologies, attracting talented professionals, reducing unemployment, and ensuring sustainable economic development in the region. Regional authorities are urged to focus on restoring and reconstructing schools and universities, making psychological assistance accessible, conducting awareness campaigns to enhance psychological resilience, fostering cooperation between government, businesses, and research institutions, and providing financial support for innovation and entrepreneurship. The study concludes that intellectual capital is an indispensable component for the innovative development of business entities and is essential for ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the regional economy. Further research is recommended to develop mechanisms for implementing key directions for preserving and developing the intellectual capital of Ukraine's regions during and after the war.


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How to Cite
Mann, R., & Shulha, O. (2024). INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL OF THE REGION AS A FACTOR OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS ENTITIES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (97), 46-52.