Keywords: agricultural land, dynamics, structure, sown areas, investments, regions, war, Ukraine


The war, which the Russian Federation started in 2014 and continued with a large-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine in 2022, raised the question of the strategy for the development of agriculture, as the main branch of agricultural production, to a new level. Now this is a problem not only of Ukraine, but also of the whole world. Since the main means of production in agriculture are land resources, therefore, at this stage, our research is focused on the analysis of their current state and the dynamics of changes that have occurred. The theoretical basis of the research is the applied scientific provisions of the development of land relations, the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the evolution of agricultural land use. The following research methods were used in the research process: abstract-logical; historical; system analysis; theoretical analysis and synthesis. Statistical methods were also used in the research process: ranking, comparison of average and relative values, graphic and index methods. The article analyzes the dynamics and structure of the area of agricultural land, sown areas of agricultural crops, collected the area of agricultural crops by region of Ukraine, the share of agricultural land under organic production, in the total area of agricultural land. The dynamics and structure of capital investments, current costs and investments for the capital repair of capital means for the protection of the natural environment in Ukraine as a whole and by region were also studied. As a result of the study, it was proven that the decrease in the area of agricultural crops as a result of the temporary occupation by the Russian Federation of part of the territory of Ukraine and the contamination of land, including mines, during the hostilities, directly affects the food potential of our country, limiting the opportunities in the production of agricultural products, their processing , and, as a result, the economic and physical availability of food for consumers. The results of the monitoring are necessary for finding the components of the agro-food system and the mechanisms of their interaction in order to ensure the sustainability of the process in conditions of limited access to the main means of production and finding ways to solve this problem in the post-war period.


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How to Cite
Pohorielova, O. (2024). USE OF LAND RESOURCES FOR FOOD PRODUCTION IN UKRAINE: THE PRE-WAR PERIOD AND THE CURRENT STATE . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (97), 31-39.