Keywords: real estate market, real estate, marketing processes, business processes, management methodology, influencing factors, sales process


With the rapid development of information technology and the deepening of the concept of value chain management, the enterprise management mode has been liberated from the traditional vertical integration structure, and opened a new chapter of all-round horizontal integration and value management. Many domestic and foreign enterprises have launched business process reengineering plans to strengthen enterprise management and enhance comprehensive competitiveness. This radical change has a huge impact on the traditional real estate sales model, forcing the sales business process must adapt to the new market development trend, and more closely integrate with other business processes to meet the comprehensive needs of modern enterprise management. In order to adapt to the changes of external environment, real estate enterprises must optimize and reconstruct their internal processes. Through business process reengineering, enterprises can break the traditional functional organizational structure, establish a new process organizational structure, eliminate ineffective processes, shorten the time required for processes, improve the execution efficiency of processes, and finally achieve the goal of improving management level and work efficiency, optimizing resource allocation and standardizing management processes. Marketing process management plays an important role in enterprise operation. By effectively organizing and coordinating individual business processes, marketing process management can improve the overall operational efficiency of a company. This paper focuses on the problem of marketing process in the field of real estate. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of studying business process management. Then, according to the background of China's real estate development, the main links of the marketing process management of real estate enterprises are discussed in a targeted way (analyzing the target market, formulating sales strategies, implementing promotion activities, building sales channels, implementing sales activities, providing after-sales service). On the basis of the above links, this paper comprehensively analyzes the challenges faced by real estate enterprises in the marketing process. These challenges come from many aspects, such as market environment, sales channels, monitoring and evaluation. In order to deal with these challenges, this paper discusses and puts forward some countermeasures. These strategies include perfecting market research, diversifying sales channels, optimizing promotion strategies and strengthening marketing team building.


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How to Cite
Wanxin, X., & Lyshenko, M. (2024). DIAGNOSTICS OF MANAGEMENT OF MARKETING BUSINESS PROCESSES IN REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (97), 19-23. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.2024.1.4