• Iryna Vakulishyna Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: marketing categories, marketing concepts, goods, evolution of the concept of , marketing management


The purpose of the article is to highlight how the concept of such a category as goods has evolved along with the concepts of marketing management. Determining the need for further research in this area, as well as other basic marketing concepts. The vast majority of the articles reviewed are devoted exclusively to the concepts of marketing management, or to a particular industry through which they are considered. A study was conducted to determine whether there are similar or related studies. This article reveals how the definitions of goods have changed along with the change and evolution of marketing management concepts. How the understanding of this term has changed and what path it has taken from the emergence of the very first concept of marketing - production, to the modern ones (social and ethical marketing and relationship marketing). With the help of such research methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the definition of goods was provided through the prism of concepts within each of the marketing concepts. According to each approach, attention to this category of marketing was paid to a greater or lesser extent. The features of each of the concepts and how they influenced the very understanding of the concept of "goods" are investigated. The peculiarities of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, from the least attention to the product to the greatest attention to it, the sequence of changes in concepts and terminology are considered. The trajectory of the evolution of the concept of "goods" and the changes it has undergone under each of the concepts are obtained. The results of the study can give impetus to new research on marketing concepts, or even serve as a new branch of this area. The results of this study allow us to examine in more detail the approaches to understanding the concept of "goods". The results show how one of the main categories has changed. This study can be of great importance for further research in the direction of how the main categories of marketing have changed within the concept of marketing management. Further research can help to consider the evolution of marketing categories in more detail and make a significant contribution to marketing theory.


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How to Cite
Vakulishyna, I. (2024). THE CONCEPT OF GOODS IN THE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (97), 15-18.