Features of entrepreneurship development in the country, selecting the way of sustainable development (on the example of the Odessa region)

  • Y. Filippov Odessa National Polytechnic University
Keywords: entrepreneurship, economic development, sustainable development, directions, indicators, regulation


The article highlights the features of the development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of sustainable development by the example of the Odessa region. The research is based on the statistical data of three major cities of the Odessa region - Odessa, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky and Izmail. The choice fell on these cities, because they have different geographical location, different features of doing business, different social status of the population. But it is they who shape the economic climate that entrepreneurs are so attracted to.


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How to Cite
Filippov, Y. (2018). Features of entrepreneurship development in the country, selecting the way of sustainable development (on the example of the Odessa region). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (6(76), 138-141. Retrieved from https://snaujournal.com.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/31