The article provides an in-depth analysis of the essence of the concept of “enterprise capitalization”. The main stages of the formation of the capitalization of the enterprise as an economic category are summarized within four main periods. It has been established that the first the most systematic research on the interpretation of the essence of the analyzed concept is presented in Marxist theory, where its direct connection with capital accumulation is illustrated. A new perspective on defining the essence of enterprise capitalization was realized within the neoclassical theory, where the analyzed concept acquired an inseparable connection with a value-based nature from the standpoint of creating and accumulating value. The modern period is characterized by increasing interest and intensification in the study of enterprise capitalization following a period of slowdown at the end of the 20th century. To conduct a detailed study of the differences in the interpretation of the target concept, a chronological analysis of the approaches of foreign and domestic scientists was carried out. The given analysis made it possible to reveal the presence of a focal direction of the foreign scientists’ views, which is explained by the identification of enterprise capitalization with the concept of market capitalization and the definition of the last one from the perspective of the market value of the company’s shares. The given analysis made it possible to reveal the presence of a focus direction of the foreign scientists' views, which is explained by the identification of enterprise capitalization with the concept of market capitalization and the definition of the last one from the perspective of the market value of the company’s shares. Domestic works are characterized by various interpretations of the analyzed concept, based on the nature of a complex of actions, the nature of a process, or an indicator. It has been established that the essence of the last two is closely intertwined with the value component of enterprise capitalization, which is outlined by the management or the possibilities of increasing the value of the enterprise (within the process nature), and the determination of the integral valuation of the enterprise or its assets placed on the market (in the context of the indicator nature). With the help of the developed map of the comparison of approaches of foreign and domestic scientists to the interpretation of the concept of “enterprise capitalization”, the parallel nature of the approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the analyzed concept was revealed, the main sector of the intersection of which is its value component.
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