The article is dedicated to the consideration of possible methods of anti-crisis management of enterprises based on the possibilities of communication elements of the strategy of modern enterprises. The authors investigated the most vulnerable areas of economic activity during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. Based on this, it was determined that among the enterprises that were relatively profitable, those that most involved the communicative component in operational activities, namely the financial, insurance and trade spheres. Considering the process of forming a strategy for the anti-crisis development of domestic enterprises, the authors proposed to implement a number of the latest tools that would facilitate the process of communication both with external counterparties and at various levels of enterprise management. The study of foreign and domestic theoretical sources made it possible to assert that the implementation of the Lean methodology in the anti-crisis development strategy of a modern enterprise, which is considered an effective management system, is based on the maximum orientation to the interests and needs of each consumer and the constant motivation of the enterprise's employees. The necessity of implementing the SIPOC technology for the further anti-crisis development of domestic enterprises has been proved. The SIPOC scheme development methodology consists in establishing the following elements: identification process / process name search; clarifying process boundaries (beginning and ending); a list of the main results of the work of consumers; list of main resources and suppliers; identifying and marking important steps (5–7) and establishing their chronological order. It is also proposed to identify the areas and levels of the enterprise that can be improved and that can have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction within the framework of anti-crisis management for the further development of the main activity during the SIPOC analysis. The obtained results make it possible to further develop the economic activity of the enterprise and avoid the destructive impact of the crisis.
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