The article is devoted to the study of the concept and meaning of intellectual property, in particular, trademarks as an innovative tool during military operations. In the context of changing consumer values, increasing demands for product quality and innovativeness, as well as global changes in the world system, encourage manufacturers to look for new ways of promoting and implementing their products and services that will meet the needs of consumers, and help in business development and attracting innovation. The aim of the research is to study the importance of trademarks for companies and countries, their impact on economic competition and consumers, as well as on the formation of the image of countries and enterprises in the context of military conflict. As part of the work, methods of scientific knowledge such as synthesis and analysis were used, and to study the available number of registered trademarks in countries, a comparative method and a graphical method were used to visualize the data. The results of the study show that trademarks allow companies to position themselves in the market, stand out from competitors, attract consumers, and create new market opportunities. During the analysis of the dynamics of trademark registration, the author revealed a significant increase in interest in intellectual property, which is supported by a constant tendency to increase the number of applications for trademark registration. Using the example of Asia and high-income countries, which are leaders in the number of registered trademarks, the importance of creating a favorable environment for innovation, where scientific activity, creativity and innovation are stimulated. It was established that Russia, as a country with numerous economic entities, has more economic resources, companies, manufacturers, and innovations, which affects the number of registered trademarks compared to Ukraine. During the war period, trademarks are important not only in the economic aspect, but also in the context of political and social processes. Companies' refusal to leave the market of the aggressor country can be related to various factors, including profitability, loss of sales market, job retention, and the importance of producing basic goods. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding intellectual property, in particular trademarks, and using them as a strategic tool in economic competition in wartime.
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