Keywords: image of an innovative project, external and internal image, management activity, management concept, image factors, principles


The article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical and methodological aspects of managing the process of forming the image of an innovative project. The substantiation of the management concept of image development of the innovative project, which is a kind of image positioning algorithm and subsequent marketing activities of the manager, has been substantiated. The concept of the image of innovation is substantiated, as an image formed in the minds of people, namely: consumers, partners, potential employees, competitors. Its formation occurs due to targeted influence, for example, various marketing, information or PR activities, improvement of the quality of goods or services, optimization of work with personnel, establishment of relations with partners. Four main approaches to image formation are summarized and distinguished, depending on the object of management activity – production, client, communication and personnel. The manager's role during image development actually boils down to optimal integration and maximally effective coordination of the characterized approaches. The main function of the image is to create a positive attitude towards the innovative project, and, as a result, a system of social connections, trust and high evaluation of the target audience. In addition, a positive image necessarily helps to increase the prestige, rating, and therefore the authority and influence of the project. In the context of the structural analysis of the management concept of image formation, key tools such as corporate style, visual and verbal communications, advertising PR events are considered. It has been established that corporate style increases the effectiveness of advertising. The article highlights three main stages in the management of the process of image formation of an innovative project, during which there is a gradual transition from the development of a strategy to the gradual expansion of social advertising and the expansion of the public relations system, the shift of the emphasis of the manager's activities from internal to external image, from primary marketing research to the development of methods for evaluating and reflecting on the formed image. The outlined principles of effective functioning of the concept of implementing the image of an innovative project are based on the innovation manager's knowledge of the basic laws of the human psyche – the properties of memory, emotional color and vividness of images.


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How to Cite
Babenko, I. (2023). FORMATION OF THE IMAGE OF THE INNOVATION PROJECT AS A MANAGEMENT PROBLEM. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (3 (95), 39-42.