Crop diversification to maintain the sustainability of agricultural development
The purpose of the paper is to analyze current trends of agricultural production in the context of maintaining the principles of sustainability and to develop a proposal to mitigate the socioeconomic and environmental pressure on the rural areas.
The main imperatives of sustainable development and its importance in the agricultural sector of the economy in the context of resource-saving and environmentally friendly agricultural production are considered. The role of individual and corporate sectors in the implementation of sustainable development principles is emphasized. Attention to the influence of the corporate sector on the socioeconomic and environmental conditions of life in rural areas is attracted. In particular, trends in the land use of the corporate sector are revealed, which indicate an increase in the crop production. The dynamics of main crops production is shown, which indicates the growing rates of monoculture in the corporate sector. The dynamics of mineral fertilizers application by the corporate sector in the last 5 years is presented and the irregularity of NPK balance in their structure is noted. The essence of diversification, economic, social and ecological advantages of its introduction is revealed. . The importance of crop diversification in the context of a gradual move towards sustainable activity is substantiated. The emphasis on the state regulation policy in improving the economic, social and environmental spheres of rural areas is made.
It is proposed to start stimulating a large agrarian business to introduce crop diversification, which will facilitate the gradual change of the current agrarian practice aimed at faster achievement of quantitative results with ignoring the qualitative improvement of rural areas. It was emphasized that the possible stimulus for the introduction of crop diversification may be the principle of "connectivity", which determinates the dependence of preferences in fulfilling certain conditions of economic activity, oriented on the principles of sustainability.
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