The article is devoted to creating a new understanding of the "tangibility" of the service as applied to the marketing of educational products and the role of feelings, sensations, and immersion in the formation of a successful strategy for forming an idea of an educational program. As part of the work, bibliometric analysis and the abstract-logical method were used to describe the immersive marketing of educational services. During the bibliometric analysis, the relationship between the concepts of "neuromarketing", "sensitive marketing" and "immersive marketing" was searched. The resulting set of related keywords from the bibliometric analysis allows us to assert the presence of two common vectors in different types of marketing: consumer behavior and a set of digital marketing tools. A "broad" approach to forming an immersive marketing strategy is presented, which goes beyond the use of virtual and augmented reality tools. The use of neuromarketing (feelings), and sensory marketing (feelings) enables "immersion", which is what immersive marketing provides. The proposed concept of immersive marketing allows you to revise the approach that claims the "intangibility" of an educational service. It is possible to experience the service due to a multi-stage, diversified influence on the potential consumer. This impact should be adjusted to service feedback and behavioral research conducted. In this case, the approaches to demonstrating dowries at promotional events are changing. The "tangibility" of an educational service becomes real and ensuring familiarity with it before its purchase is not with the help of descriptive tools but with the use of "immersion" of the consumer in the service – a decisive step for institutions of higher education.
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