Analysis of ecological aspects of determining the need for development of bioeconomics in Ukraine
The essence of ecological aspects, which determine the necessity of bioeconomics development, is considered in the article. It is determined that the modern development of economic systems leads to the emergence of global problems such as climate change, hunger, environmental pollution.
The use of strategic natural resources in the territory of Ukraine is analyzed. It is determined that the volumes of emissions of harmful substances and atmospheric air has a negative dynamics and in the calculation of 1 sq. km is several times higher than the average value of this indicator for the countries of the European Union. Insufficient level of water availability and aggravation of water use problems are connected with excessive pollution of industrial and communal nature of water objects, high level of deterioration of fixed assets of water supply and water protection purposes, low productivity of treatment facilities, violation of the ability to self-recover and self-purify water systems.
It is noted that such problems of using land resources, such as the distribution of land resources by purpose, the level of agricultural development and land plots have become threatened and have led to a sharp increase in the rate of deterioration of quality and the ecological state of soils. It is determined that the aggravation of problems in the environmental sphere is also caused by the formation and accumulation of significant volumes of household and industrial waste.
It is concluded that the resolution of these environmental problems will be facilitated by the development of bioeconomy based on the use of renewable resources, biotechnologies and closed-loop economies.
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