Keywords: competition, education, tourism, specialist, market, recreation


The article highlights the current realities of the domestic tourism industry regarding the training of tourism experts. It was determined that today's urgent need is to find ways to survive in the competitive struggle, which requires companies' personnel to acquire special tourism education and regular professional development. It was established that the post-war recovery of the tourism economy determines the expediency of modernizing the educational component of training competitive specialists for the tourism industry. The purpose of the article is to find ways to improve the training of tourism specialists based on the world experience of using innovative approaches to designing learning outcomes. The managerial specifics of higher education in the field of hospitality and tourism in EU and USA countries with leading personnel training systems were studied. It has been proven that commercially and socially effective entrepreneurial activity is important for a graduate, which is aimed not only at making a profit through the sale of travel packages, but also at social stability in terms of demographics. It is highlighted that a bachelor in the field of training "Tourism and recreation" must possess a range of competencies that will ensure the implementation of the product life cycle: design ‒ exploration ‒ planning ‒ commercial implementation ‒ spatial implementation and optimization. It is proposed to introduce integrated training programs based on CDIO standards with the systematic inclusion of on-the-job training as an integrated activity in higher education institutions related to project activities (globalization, sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship). The specifics of the integrated design of the expected learning outcomes for the bachelor's degree program in the specialty "Tourism and Recreation" are revealed. The stages of designing learning outcomes and updating the tourism training program at the national university are proposed. It was concluded that thanks to the implementation of the approach to designing the results of training of tourism specialists, domestic universities will have the opportunity to develop competitive practice-oriented educational programs.


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How to Cite
Tsviliy, S., Zhilko, O., & Zaitseva, V. (2023). TRAINING OF COMPETITIVE TOURISM EXPERTS FOR THE DOMESTIC TOURISM INDUSTRY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (1 (93), 17-21.