Keywords: personnel, management, efficiency, system


The article is devoted to the actual problems of improving the efficiency of personnel management at a modern enterprise. The authors show the necessity and relevance of effective personnel management of a modern enterprise in the conditions of a market economy. An analysis of the main financial and economic indicators of the enterprise was carried out, which made it possible to make a general assessment of its economic and economic potential. The calculation and analysis of the dynamics of the system of the main indicators of the effectiveness of personnel management was carried out – the number of personnel, income per employee, net profit per employee, the average salary, the share of management employees, the number of employees of enterprises per employee of the personnel department, the ratio between the growth rate of the wage fund and turnover, the correlation coefficient between the growth rate of the wage fund and the company's income. A strategy for the further development of the enterprise has been developed, which consists in expanding the market share, which will make it possible to increase the market share, expand the client base, introduce modern technologies into production, and use natural resources as effectively as possible. Within the framework of the selected strategy, a number of practical recommendations are offered to increase the effectiveness of personnel management of the research object: official employment, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, timely payment of wages, free transportation to work, free medical examination, provision of free overalls and special shoes, awarding employees for the performance of production tasks and functions. An economic-mathematical model of making informed management decisions has been developed, on the basis of which in the future, with the help of certain tactical and operational actions, it is possible to regulate the effectiveness of the HR management process at the enterprise in general and the subsystem of the analyzed enterprise, in particular. Therefore, the data obtained as a result of economic and mathematical modeling can be used as recommendations, and the final decision regarding the adoption and implementation of management decisions should be left to the company's specialists.


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How to Cite
Adler, O., Lesko, O., & Kosobucka, A. (2022). MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE BUSINESS ANALYSIS SYSTEM (ON THE EXAMPLE OF "BARLINEK-INVEST"). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2 (92), 3-12.