Rating of Ukrainian regions according to population welfare indicators
The article is devoted to topical issues of assessing the welfare population of Ukrainian regions. The authors offered a system of welfare indicators. The method of construction of an integrated assessment of the living standard of the regions of Ukraine according to different approaches was applied and calculations according to the data of 2021 were performed. This method will allow us to describe and analyze the factors that affect the object, economic system, as well as to identify future trends in order to implement programs to improve and balance living standards in different regions of the country. Also an important advantage of this method is objectivity, which is based on the use of official data from government agencies. The rating was carried out taking into account the following indicators: the number of the existing population, the demographic burden of persons aged 65 and older (per 1,000 persons aged 15-64), average age, export of goods and services, import of goods and services, total area of residential buildings, consumer price index, emissions of pollutants into the air from mobile sources of pollution, the number of hospitals, the number of higher education institutions. The stages of the algorithm for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic potential of the region are listed. Based on the obtained data, the regions of the country are ranked. It allows the selected indicators to more accurately identify the most developed areas. Therefore, the place of each region of Ukraine in terms of the level of welfare of the population, as well as the importance of a comprehensive assessment of the relationship of its various spheres was determined and presented. The consistency of the results of the used methods was checked with the help of the concordance coefficient and the significance of the obtained value of the latter was checked with the help of the Pearson coefficient. The information base of our research is official statistical information, as well as a large number of publications of domestic scientists on research on this topic.
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