Determination of structural-functional components of the mechanism of formation of financial and economic results of agricultural farm activities
The purpose of this study is to determine the structural and functional components of the mechanism of formation of financial and economic performance of agricultural enterprises. This topic is relevant because the agar sector of Ukraine's economy forms the bulk of foreign exchange earnings for the country, which affects the exchange rate and, accordingly, the purchasing power of citizens. And the correct definition of structural and functional components of the mechanism of formation of financial and economic results of agricultural enterprises will inevitably lead to the improvement of these results. The following methods were used during the study, namely: systematization and generalization - in the study of theoretical views of scientists on the concept of "mechanism", abstract-logical method – to determine the structural and functional components of the mechanism of financial and economic performance of agricultural enterprises. The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the mechanism of formation of financial and economic results of agricultural enterprises. It is found that the concept of "mechanism" has a complex hierarchical structure and is a set of components. It is found that the mechanism of formation of financial and economic results of agricultural enterprises can be positioned through the prism of such conceptual foundations, consisting of such structural and functional components as institutional and regulatory framework, organizational and managerial subsystem, analytical and monitoring apparatus and production and technological bloc. It is established that the mechanism of formation of financial and economic results of the agricultural enterprise is an integral structural element of establishing its effective production and economic business processes, which in systematic interaction with other management segments of the enterprise (management system, staffing, marketing policy, sales, etc. ) determines the dynamic parameters of the competitiveness of the enterprise and the prospects for its development in the agricultural market.
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