Open innovations and protection of intellectual property as modern tendencies of innovative development of enterprises

Keywords: innovation development, development factors, open innovation, intellectual property, commercialization of innovation, innovation infrastructure


The article explores the modern understanding of innovative development of enterprises. The analysis of existing approaches to the definition of the concept of "innovative development" was carried out. The differences in the author's interpretation of these understandings are established, conclusions are made about the positive and negative effects of the investigated definitions. It was found that innovation development is a complex phenomenon that has differently varied dynamics of development, which is important as the achievement of progress, and the prevention of regression. Therefore, the article summarizes and specifies the most important factors that lead or limit innovative development. Also, it was found that the modern innovation development of enterprises actively develops due to the modern models of open innovations. So leading modern enterprises can create innovations through the traditional "closed" innovation process, but their participation in innovation processes of the "open" type is more and more visible, namely development by means of open innovations so that they can discover ideas, technologies and competences from outside sources. The success of an innovation is determined by its commercialization. Therefore, the article focuses on commercialization in a special way. Thus, the process of open innovations has recognized benefits, but the commercialization itself may have the risk of losing economic interests in this case, if the intellectual property rights will not be protected. Therefore the article additionally analyzes existing approaches to defining the concept of "essence of commercialization objects", exploring their advantages and disadvantages. As a result of the conducted expert questionnaire survey, the article demonstrates a system of factors in the international context, which support or halt the development of open innovations. The research was conducted by such participants of the market of intellectual property as Ukraine, Japan, the USA, Germany, China and Canada. A summary was made and further research areas of relevance were identified.


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How to Cite
Kolesnyk, M., Chernyshova, T., & Mizyk, V. (2021). Open innovations and protection of intellectual property as modern tendencies of innovative development of enterprises. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (4 (90), 24-29.