Structural disproporations: content, types and impact on the economic security of the state
This article is devoted to the current problem of the impact of structural imbalances in the national economy on the economic security of the state. Structural imbalances are considered from the standpoint of one of the fundamental and pressing threats to the economic security of the state at the present stage of development. Ukraine's economy is characterized by uneven development, and its structure is the presence of many imbalances that pose a threat and affect the economic security of the state. The purpose of the article is to highlight and systematize the main structural imbalances in the national economy, revealing their specifics in the context of the impact on economic security of Ukraine. The achievement of the goal set in the article is carried out with the help of the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, grouping and classification, economic-statistical and systemic, logical generalization. The study found that the economy of Ukraine should highlight: macroeconomic structural imbalances due to the technological structure of Ukraine's economy, the dominance of medium-low and low-tech industries, raw materials model of development; territorial disparities related to differentiation in the economic potential of regions, regional specialization, distortions between the needs of regions and their contribution to economic development, gross regional product; sectoral disparities due to the uneven development of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy, reduction of the processing industry and its core of mechanical engineering, increasing the level of «agrarianization», increasing the service sector through wholesale and retail trade; disparities in foreign trade are derived from the development of the domestic market and are manifested in a decrease in the diversification of merchandise exports towards the dominance of low value-added raw materials and imports of finished products, exceeding the value of imports of goods and services over their exports. The consequences of structural disparities for the Ukrainian economy are highlighted. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and pedagogical activities when considering issues of economic security of the state.
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