Тarget budget funds as a component of the fiscal mechanism for regulation of investment processes in Ukraine

Keywords: budget, target budget funds, investments, capital expenditures, budget program


The formation of target budget funds is due to the fact that one of the disadvantages of budget expenditures is the depersonalization of funds and, as a consequence, the possibility of insufficient investment development, especially in a budget deficit. Therefore, there is a need for separate funds from the budget, which usually have assigned income sources. Such funds allow the state to more efficiently accumulate financial resources and spend them in accordance with the intended purpose, in particular to increase investment. Insufficient scientific substantiation of expediency of formation of target budget funds and short period of their functioning in Ukraine necessitate in-depth study of theoretical and applied bases of their creation and use, and also definition of a role in the fiscal mechanism of regulation of investment processes. The article is devoted to the study of the content and characteristics of target budget funds, consideration of the peculiarities of their formation and use in Ukraine and justification of their impact on investment processes. The specifics of the scientific tasks that are the subject of the study required the use of a set of special methods, the use of which helped to shed light on the functioning of target budget funds in Ukraine and clarify their role in regulating investment processes. The article examines the advantages of the formation and characteristics of the functioning of target budget funds. Peculiarities of forced investments at the expense of the reserve fund of the budget are determined. The expenditure of funds for investment purposes of the State Fund for Regional Development, the State Road Fund, the State Fund for Radioactive Waste Management and the State Fund for Water Development are analyzed. The study found, that the use of target budget funds faces a number of regulatory and organizational problems. It is substantiated, that under the conditions of making the necessary changes in the legislation, these funds will become a powerful component of the fiscal mechanism for regulating investment processes in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, V. (2021). Тarget budget funds as a component of the fiscal mechanism for regulation of investment processes in Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (3 (89), 46-53. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.2021.3.7