Conceptual principles of crisis management of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises amidst digitalization of the economy
The purpose of the research is to extend theoretical and methodological and formulate conceptual principles of crisis management of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises in digitalization. The author has used general scientific and special methods, namely: dialectical, system analysis for the study of current innovation trends, digitalization; abstract-logical in determining particularities of the transformation of crisis management of enterprises; graphic in the formation of conceptual principles of crisis management of innovative development of agroindustrial enterprises amidst digitalization. It is defined principles of the transformation of crisis management of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises amidst digitalization of the economy which include management ensuring integration with stakeholders to form shared value; possible innovative changes in technologies, processes, products, organizational and managerial ones that occur against the background of the digital environment; reorientation of the strategy towards shifting the focus from profit to expanding opportunities for customer satisfaction; shift of the paradigm of organizational culture based on deepening cooperation and integration and transition to flexible management and innovative business models, which transforms innovation into economic benefits for an enterprise and high consumer value for clients; facilitating mechanisms and innovative management methods, changes in the management system’s feature set, used innovative tools on the basis of digital transformation, information technology, digitalization and virtualization of business; search and duly acquisition of information to ensure the effectiveness of making managerial decisions effective towards preventive measures to adapt the enterprise to new conditions. The author has developed conceptual principles of transformation of anti-crisis management of innovative development of agro-industrial enterprises in digitalization by relying on the generalization of scientific adaptation approaches to fluid situations and market conditions through balancing between order and chaos, given disruptors, trends, the need for constant updating of the business model, combining individual creative contribution, teamwork, results, its adjustment and control with further expanded reproduction. The research findings can be used to identify potential long-term trends that will help develop business, which must be taken into account for effective work and building long-term plans to increase business awareness. Thus, there is a growing demand for responsibility, transparent cooperation and investment, mechanisms for remote work and consideration of the employees’ experience and the role of offices, development of cooperation and integration, calculation of ESG factors in business strategy, transformation of enterprise management system from traditional business model, the life cycle of which is constantly reduced due to high competition for innovation one that transforms innovative technologies into economic results of the enterprise.
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