Application of two-dimensional taxonomic analysis to assess the dynamics of the level of human capital development in the regions of Ukraine

Keywords: human capital, human capital development level, region, two-dimensional taxonomic analysis, general indicator


The paper examined the impact of Russian military aggression in 2014 on the level of human capital development in different regions of Ukraine, analyzed the approaches of other scientists to assess the level of development of this capital. As a method of solving the problem, it is proposed to use two-dimensional taxisonomic analysis, which allows comparing the objects of the study both in time and in the territorial dimension. A set of primary indicators for assessing the development of human capital has been determined and substantiated. Given the limited amount of statistical data available in open sources in the regional dimension, the volume of these indicators was minimized. Despite this, the set of selected stimulant signs and destabilizing signs quite fully characterize the human capital of the region. For a comparative analysis of the level of human capital development, it is proposed to use the method of constructing a general (integral) indicator, the value of which would reflect this level of development. The essence of this method is to determine in the space of standardized primary signs the distance from the point that characterizes the level of development of human capital in a certain region and year, from the reference point, each coordinate of which coincides with the "best" (maximum for the stimulant indicator and the minimum for the destimulator indicator) for the development of this capital by the value of the corresponding primary indicator. Using this approach, the work calculated the value of the integral indicator of the level of human capital development for each region of Ukraine and each from 2013-2019. The completed calculations showed that the Russian military aggression in 2014 negatively affected the development of human capital of the regions of Ukraine. However, due to the measures adopted by state authorities, the situation has improved by 2019 and the level of human capital development this year has exceeded its value in almost all regions compared to the pre-war period. The results of the analysis should be used by regional and national management bodies to develop a strategy for the development of regions, improve the distribution of state financial resources, and increase the level of human capital development in these regions.


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How to Cite
Pryymak, V., Vyshnevska, S., & Trach, A. (2021). Application of two-dimensional taxonomic analysis to assess the dynamics of the level of human capital development in the regions of Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (3 (89), 11-16.