Estimation of conditions of development of intellectual capital of construction enterprises in Ukraine

  • Yuliia Kondratiuk Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Keywords: construction companies, intellectual capital, innovation, capitalization, competitiveness, intellectual capital management


The article reveals the essence of the concept of «intellectual capital» as knowledge, skills and experience of workers who have a direct impact on the development of construction companies and ensure their economic stability and competitiveness of individual enterprises and the economy as a whole. The structural elements of the intellectual capital of construction companies, which are directly related to the process of managing the intellectual capital of the enterprise, are studied. The assessment of the intellectual potential of economic entities is considered as an important factor in improving the intellectual potential of the national economy, which is of great importance in the context of radical changes at the present stage of development of information, digital, intellectual economy. The amount of intellectual capital is determined on the basis of capitalization of excess profits received by the construction company in the process of production and economic activities due to the presence of itset of competitive advantages. The formation of intellectual capital depends on the quality of intellectual resources used in combination with financial and material resources. The main strategic task of the intellectual capital of construction companies, which is to effectively manage relations with stakeholders, is formulated. It is determined that the competitiveness and development of the economic system of Ukraine largely depends on the formation, effective use and management of intellectual potential on the basis of its thorough, qualitative assessment. The basic models of intellectual capital management are offered, from them it is expedient to allocate: information, cost, indicator, monitoring, innovative. The main role of stakeholders and their impact on the intellectual capital of construction companies is identified. The main functions and approaches to the assessment of intellectual potential are studied and the main models of intellectual capital management are proposed, which are important for further development of mechanisms to increase its efficiency both in the domestic market and abroad.


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How to Cite
Kondratiuk, Y. (2022). Estimation of conditions of development of intellectual capital of construction enterprises in Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2 (88), 31-34.