Fundamental aspects of definition of perspective directions of new knowledge production as the basis for innovative development
The purpose of the study is to develop methodological foundations for identifying promising directions for knowledge production as the basis of innovative development of business entities. The conceptual scheme for selecting perspective directions of the advanced innovative development of an entity is proposed. The scheme reflects types of interaction of modern knowledge complexes. Authors tested their theoretical and methodical approaches that allow obtaining modern knowledge related to the potential of innovative development of a modern entity; marketing forecasts of consumer demand trends during a certain period; assessment of science and technology condition, as well as opportunities for application of scientific and technological developments to new products, technologies of production and ways of consumption. The features of application of these approaches are described. The author's developments were used in determining perspective directions of environmentally-oriented innovative strategy of the Sumy region. Practical testing proved their efficiency in identifying promising directions for new knowledge production as the basis for selecting directions of entitties’ innovative development.
The obtained results deepen theoretical and methodical principles of management and marketing of knowledge forming preconditions for developing an organizational and economic mechanism of production management and commercialization of knowledge at the level of the state, industry, region, separate organization, etc., which would allow to determine and increase their comparative advantages, to choose and apply perspective directions of their innovative development in the permanently unstable conditions of the modern economy.
Further research should be aimed at developing conceptual foundations for the formation and functioning of this mechanism.
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