Methodical aspects of small business profitability indicators calculation

Keywords: small business, profit, net profit, financial result, profitability, profitability indicators


Small businesses remain one of the most influential businesses in the economy. Owners of small businesses are interested in profit maximization, the main relative indicators that characterize the profitability and financial condition are profitability indicators. In view of the above, the study of the method of the of small businesses profitability calculation in the theoretical and practical plane is updated. The aim of the study is to systematize methodological approaches to calculating profitability indicators and their use on the basis of financial statements of the current small business entity, determining reserves for profit growth through the proposed measures to maintain the financial condition of small businesses. General scientific (analysis, grouping, comparison, synthesis, deduction, induction) and specifically scientific (economic, financial, statistical analyses) methods were used to analyze the dynamics of the number of small enterprises, determine development trends and calculate the profitability of small businesses on the basis of financial statements methods. The article considers the features of a small enterprise as one of the subjects of a market economy, analyzes the dynamic fluctuations of their number in 2010-2020 years and identifies the causes of organizational and economic changes. For financial analysis, profitability indicators are systematized, namely the calculation of the ratio of net profit to sales, assets, equity and costs, which characterize the efficiency of a small enterprise and its financial condition. On the basis of the financial statements of the operating entity, the calculation of profitability indicators is carried out and the level of its profitability and financial condition are characterized. The proposed measures for financial stabilization of small businesses and areas aimed at reducing financial liabilities and increasing monetary assets that provide these liabilities, are of practical value. The reserves of profit growth of the small business entity are determined. It is outlined that the procedure for using the profit of a small enterprise is determined by the owner and mainly the profit is distributed to the economic development and social needs of the enterprise. The results of the study should improve the organization of methods of analysis of financial performance of small businesses and increase the efficiency of financial management of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Gavrysh, O., & Porsiurova, I. (2021). Methodical aspects of small business profitability indicators calculation. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2 (88), 24-30.