Кредитний механізм банків у забезпеченні розвитку сільськогосподарських підприємств України

Keywords: bank, agriculture, credit, interest, financial resources, credit mechanism


The article is devoted to the problems of formation and functioning of the credit mechanism in modern economic relations between the state, banks and agricultural enterprises. The peculiarities of agriculture as a branch of the economy that affect the interaction of banks with enterprises in the credit market are identified. The aim of the article is to study modern theoretical and methodological approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "credit mechanism" and its features, taking into account the specifics of the organization of interaction between banks and agricultural enterprises in the credit market. Methods of theoretical comparison and generalization were used to achieve the goal; methods of complex evaluation and comparative analysis. The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of the credit mechanism of banks as a tool for financing the development of agricultural enterprises; a theoretical generalization of scientific approaches to determining the nature of economic mechanisms and the credit mechanism as their variety. The dynamics of the use of bank credit by agricultural enterprises is analyzed, the structure of granted loans by volumes, terms, types of currencies and interest rates is determined. It is proved that in the conditions of digitalization the credit mechanism should have a transformational character, therefore at definition of its components it is necessary to create conditions for formation and realization of such properties, as: synergy, emergence and subjectivity. The essence of these properties is substantiated and the necessity of their consideration at construction of the credit mechanism is proved.The peculiarities of the modern banking credit mechanism in the conditions of asymmetry of information in the credit market are determined; It is proved that the development of new and modernization of existing technologies requires significant financial resources, including credit, which necessitates the formation of an effective credit mechanism for lending to agricultural enterprises. The directions of improvement of processes of formation of the credit mechanism depending on strategic tasks of digital development of banks and agricultural enterprises are offered.


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How to Cite
Artemenko, D. (2021). Кредитний механізм банків у забезпеченні розвитку сільськогосподарських підприємств України. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, (2 (88), 18-23. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.2021.2.4